Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Smaller Group Today!

I was feeling so tired... I wanted to sleep... but I had to push myself and went out for a run... That helped to boost my energy level! 

Yes, I had a load of laundry to do. I don't write about that as that's pretty much a daily thing!

Once Mom left, I finished cleaning up the house and wanted to lay down. It was already 10:15. Instead, I put on my running clothes and went out. I came back much refreshed. 

Bible study at 1:10. We only had five people, which was great. We were able to get deeper into the discussion!

After the study, I picked up books and the donations and dropped them off on the way to Costco. Alan and Abby met up with me. We had two scooters and got everything home! 

As soon as I got back, I was on the computer, editing! The phone rang and Mom was home. Thankfully, Abby and Alan were home. They got Mom settled to eat dinner while I finished the editing. 

We were to have counseling tonight, but I'm glad they postponed as I had so much to finish up!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Today we studied on TRANSFORMATION! And I really had to emphasize that you can be partially transformed. A caterpillar can't be partly a butterfly. We looked at the conversion of Saul and it was a great discussion. One point was that many of the students didn't realize that scales fell off of Saul's eyes when Ananias prayed for him. And we thought maybe Ananias was the one who baptized Saul. Such interesting details... 

Our Patient, Long-Working, Long-Suffering God | Hope Lutheran Church, LCMS

Seek Him First!

Toɴy D'Elια on Twitter: "Psalm 67:1-2"