Monday, December 21, 2020

The First Installment of Our Annual Christmas "Updates"

Starting today, I will be posting our Annual Christmas Updates!


For me, this has been a year like no other.  I have probably gone through more injuries this past year than I have had in the past 10 years.  Whether it was having TWO cracked ribs, pulling a calf muscle, getting sick, hurting my good knee, or pulling a hamstring, it really has not been a great year health wise.  (Addendum: After I hit post, Alan came limping in, walking like an old man! He was late coming home and I saw that he was dressed like he went and played ball. He didn't, but he did go to the workout room at school so that he can 'stretch'. Instead, he pulled his back muscle! I don't think he was just stretching. I think he went and lifted, wanting to get some exercise in! So we can add: pulled back muscle to the list of injuries!) Another factor perhaps is I turned 62 in July, but my mind still thinks I am in my 30’s and 40’s. I'm not sure if slowing down would help!

From the standpoint of school, every planned activity was put on hold for the spring semester and this extended into the fall semester due to Covid-19.  So many of the extra curricular activities, such as the school-wide speech, debate, drama contests, school anniversary celebration, departmental conference and the simultaneous translations conference as well as the Excellence in English Cultural Activity Week that I was responsible for were all put on hold.  From a positive standpoint, we never had to go to online teaching. That was my greatest fear as most of my classes are oral communication classes, which need a lot of interactions between the students and myself. I also have had no trips, whereas before I have had to represent Soochow University and go to Japan or Mainland China. All of these were also put on hold.

What else was different? It was the first summer in my 33 years of living in Taiwan that I did not travel during the summer months. I usually would go back to the States... and when we couldn't when the kids were young, we at least went to Thailand or Singapore. But staying put had some positive points. It was a fantastic opportunity to connect with our HOP family. I met with most of the men and established my discipleship group. We also had several trips, locally, with families from our congregation.  

In relation to my children, I enjoyed the opportunities to play basketball with Isaiah and Abigail this past summer.  I also played tennis with Isaiah at a nearby park.  To me these were very precious as they are now university students and are quite busy with their various activities. I also began going through the discipleship material with Isaiah.  It has been a quality time of encouraging him in his spiritual growth.

As I look ahead to 2021, the Departmental International Excellence in English Cultural Activity Week will be happening in May. I will be responsible to coordinate and put together the program for all the students in our department.  It will be a major task. I also want to be more sensitive to opportunities to share about Christ with my students. I am a student advisor and I pray to daily let the Holy Spirit lead me to say things that will help the students who are struggling emotionally. I also need wisdom in planning for the summer of 2021. I'd like to go back to visit family and friends, but we wait for the CDC's announcement. Are they going to lift the quarantine regulation upon my return? There is also the possibility that Isaiah may be going to either England or Australia for graduate school.  I am excited for him but also saddened that he may not be with us for at least a year and maybe for a year and a half. His plan right now is to go in the Fall of 2021, but again we will need to see the situation with the pandemic.

Finally, my personal verse for 2021 is 1 John 4:4  "You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world."

Seek Him First!