Monday, December 28, 2020

Busy Day!

Mondays are always quite busy... 

I spent the morning going through the rest of the 'elephants' in my car... We did not take any gifts as we wanted to make sure we had enough... So... I got facial masks... and a massager... and this weird yoguart maker. I will test it out tonight! 

Then I went for a run... I wanted to go for a long run... I've been saying that, but I don't have that luxury... I got back, had a quick shower and started tutoring at 2pm, after I put the clothes away. Yes, I threw in a load of laundry before going for my run!

It was a three-hour session!

I finished just when the phone rang and Mom was back.

She had another delicious dinner and so did I. 

Tap dancing tonight... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

HOP will be starting on the series of "FAVORITES" for the first six months of 2021. We really wanted people to go back to the beauty of God's words. Each speaker will highlight a favorite character or verses or book or parable or... I will be sharing on 2/21. I love the book of Isaiah... but now, I think -- "What have I done? How can I cover one book in one sermon?" Maybe I will have to ask Alan for 2/28 as well! So... what are your "FAVORITES" of the Bible?

Seek Him First!