Saturday, December 5, 2020

It's Not Getting Any Slower...

Mom had diarrhea today... So, that tells you what a busy day I've had!

Changed her bedding and had to wash everything! All the blankets and her clothes... THREE SETS! Every time I gave her a fresh set of clothes, she soiled them! Now, this evening, after four tums and just bread and ginger tea, she sat happily watching Little House! She also went to her massage, and again soiled another set of clothes! But by bedtime, she got another soiled underwear... And then went to bed! we will see what this night will be like!

What else happened?

Well, the donation yesterday had many items that the second hand store didn't want, so they called. Alan drove over and picked up an old suitcase, some old magazines, a CD rack with about 200CD, and a radiator heater! I called a church that is having a flea market sale from today to Christmas and they said they would be willing to take everything. Alan helped me clean and sort through the stuff. We threw out the suitcase and the magazines, stacked all the CDs and cleaned the beautiful black rack and the radiator heater and drove over to the church. The people were so nice and appreciative! I was exhausted!

Abby went for a workout. Isaiah watched basketball. 

I had to catch up on work!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I do not lose heart... I might be exhausted, but I give thanks. I know my God is able! On a day like this, I hold on to truth!

Seek Him First!


  1. YOU need to try not to recycle everything, that is how I feel sometimes, you gotta let it go and REST REST AND REST

  2. me too but sometimes i am just exhausted

  3. Oh... I got hit with that yesterday!
