Friday, December 11, 2020

Getting Together with Old Friends...

It's our Date... and it was packed!

We first spent time reading our devotional books and praying together. I had made reservation at 11:30 for lunch with old friends. But first we had to stop at Soochow University as I wanted to try to find a second hand rice cooker -- the traditional kind. I didn't have time to look, but I instructed a student to look for me. She thinks she has found one for 100NT$. I will get it next Wednesday and pay her!

It was raining pretty hard when we got to the restaurant. It's the same place that we want to have our White Elephant Party. So, I ordered the 6-person set menu for the five of us. And definitely, the food won't be enough for 6 people! What to do?? I asked to add a soup for each person and also unlimited drinks, but the price will go up... I will pray... The luncheon finished at 3 and we went to pick up the iPhone that's fixed. Alan also dropped off his phone to replace the screen and battery. That was 100US$! We then headed to Costco as we needed to order the desserts for the party on 12/26! It was a madhouse... It was better as we were on the scooter. The line to get into the parking was winding around the block!

When we finished at Costco, we went back to pick up Alan's phone. YEAH! We got home, put everything away and the phone rang -- Mom was on her way home. (When the phone rings, it means the van is already on our street!) I put her dinner in the microwave and Alan went downstairs! How did the "Date" go by so quickly?

Abby had her internship all day and basketball games tonight. Isaiah had class and dinner with Vikki's family! After Mom went to bed, I went for another hour 'jog'. The weather was nice!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Continuing with the thought from yesterday -- God Things! 

We were at the Apple Repair Store and I start talking with this lady. She drove a Mercedes Benz, had an iPhone 11, wore some very nice clothes and jewelry and had done a couple of facial cosmetic changes. She just needed some encouragement, affirmations, gestures of care. I chatted with her... I think she felt better. After Costco, we were back at the store and I had bought a box of hot chocolate. I took out five packets and gave it to the sales clerk. She was very happy. When we arrived in our parking garage, I saw our cleaning lady and gave her a few packets. She was very happy. It occurred to me... Maybe I should just buy a box or two of 60 packets of Swiss Hot Chocolate and stand at the MRT station and hand them out and wish people a Merry Christmas! I think with all the social distancing and "work remotely', people are getting depressed and feeling lonesome! I think God made people to be relationship with one another. I think talking to someone face to face brightens people's day! So, don't be stuck with just chatting on a cell phone or texting people. If at all possible, get together with people during this holiday season!

Seek Him First!



  1. you the HOT chocolate ministry lady, what a great idea......

  2. I'm so glad you like those packets, Mom Bea! Especially when it's so cold and you can't go out much!
