Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Stayed Home!

Mom was fine this morning, so I called and drove her to the Elderly Center. The usual pick up is at 8:45, but I wanted to make sure she was fine after breakfast... So, I dropped her off at 9:30! And came home and rested...

I worked on my talk and then rested...

I put away the laundry and then rested...

I edited for a company and then rested...

Yes, that was what I did the whole day.

I canceled my tutoring... and I'm so glad I did!

I ate a piece of bread with a bit of peanut butter. It felt good... So I ate a hard boiled egg with salt... No problem. I've been drinking a lot of liquid! My sweet neighbor made us congee last night and dropped off a loaf of bread this morning! She messaged me and said she can make more... What a blessing to have such wonderful neighbors! We are blessed. My Bible study gals and students are all praying for me! They messaged me, asking how I was feeling!  I can honestly say, I FEEL BETTER. I'm not completely well, but compared to yesterday, I feel so much better! It sure helped since I spent the day preparing my talk on HOPE!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I had hoped to get a lot done this week... but being a bit ill... that plan went out the windows... But God is still my HOPE. And that's one of the points for my talk. HOPE is not a personality trait. HOPE is rooted in our faith and relationship with God through Jesus Christ. HOPE is steady as it is based on the word of God. HOPE does not waiver based on circumstances. Like how people waited in HOPE for the Redeemer, the coming Messiah, so our HOPE never dies because of the resurrection of Jesus! Praise be to God!

Seek Him First!