Friday, December 4, 2020

Run-Around Date!

It was an early start here... 

Alan and I read, prayed and headed out for lunch. We then went to support the YWCA "Rummage Sale". They had a pre-sale and in just two hours, they made a lot of money. Alan waited downstairs while I went to look. I can understand why. They had Ferragamo shoes for 4500NT$. Coach bags for 3000NT$. It was a high class 'rummage sale'-- way over my budget! But I did get a charcoal mini BBQ grill and a Cuisinart Yogurt/Ice Cream Maker -- 700NT$ for both! These are not for me, but for church friends who like to go camping and make their own treats! I will google some recipes and try out the yogurt maker. 

After that, we drove to help a friend who is cleaning out their house for remodeling. Our entire car plus my lap was stacked with things. We drove carefully over to our neighborhood second-hand store and donated everything. We then headed to Costco. It was a madhouse, so Alan dropped me off and I went in to buy just a few things. I had a list. On the way to the checkout stand, I saw EGG NOG! I bought 16 cartons!

We came home and unloaded everything. I put everything away, and Mom was home! Wahhhh... I didn't even have time to go for a run!

So, after Mom went to bed, later than I had planned, I went out! I ran slowly as I was a bit tired!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I needed this verse today... 

Often times in all my rushing around, I feel quite limited and tied by time constraint. I have many things that I'd like to do to help others or to fix things around our house, but my weekends are pretty much taken with the care of my mom. On the week days, I have tutoring and Bible studies. For example, it is difficult to pull out the stuff under our bathroom sinks to treat the wall with anti mildew paint! I have all the stuff, but not the time! 

This verse helped me to see that I have the Holy Spirit and thus, there is freedom. I am not limited. There will be things I can't get done each day and it's ok. I am planning to get to these tasks during the Chinese New Year break... maybe! But then Mom would also be home... Oh well... I will get to these tasks... one of these days! Until then, where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is FREEDOM!

Seek Him First!


  1. REST AND HIRE SOMEONE DURING CHINESE new year break, buy a new laptop, do less, enjoy more......... GOD IS GOOD

  2. Thank you for reading my blog... Thank you for all your ideas... I am really thinking of hiring someone during those days, but that is almost impossible as CNY is a big holiday here! No one wants to work!
