Sunday, June 14, 2020

Abby Got Accepted... and Other News

Abby found out that she got accepted for the VBS/Camp from July 6th to the 31st. It only pays 1,000NT$ a day, but it will be a wonderful experience!

I had time to rest today... I was just so tired... We had plenty of food in the fridge, so everyone just ate leftovers...

Isaiah had practice this morning and met up with Vikki for lunch.

Abby worked on her studies. She is cramming for her Accounting final exam! Please pray!

I translated for Paul as he spoke from Deut. 6: 1-15.

This evening, it rained... It really helped to cool down the day... I can already tell that it's going to be a hot summer...

Daily Lovely Insight:

The ladies who went to the tomb were worried. "Who will move the stone for us?" And when they arrived, the stone was already moved away... An angel of the Lord had done it... Isn't that like us? We worry about things that God has already taken care of... He goes before us... He removes the 'big obstacles' that are too big for us to do anything about... That thought was a great reminder... I need to trust God to move, because honestly, the situations are too difficult for me to handle... He alone has the power and the ability. Trust Him!

Seek Him First!
Are your choices really important? | Student Devos - Youth Teen ...


  1. The pay is not high... but at least she will get a little bit of money...
