Saturday, June 20, 2020

A Day of Work...

Because of the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival, it was a work day today. Then next weekend will be a four day weekend!

Mom went to her program and that gave me time to 'work' too. I had a media release to write... and of course, Alan and I went over the talk for this evening's couples' group, via skype or line chat.

I did a load of laundry... and in just a few hours, everything was dried!

At 2:30, I braved the heat to go out for a run. It was death! I barely made it home. I had to stop to get water which I proceeded to pour all over me. Then filled up my bottle again and drank it.

I also went out to buy fruit and gifts for the couples' contest.

Mom was home by 5:10.

The kids had to study all day as the big accounting test is tomorrow. PLEASE PRAY!

It was so stifling hot... How I wanted to turn on the A/C... but we are trying to champion through until July!

I took out all the fans that have been stored... so that we each have a fan parked in front of us. And Mom has two in her room! Does it help? Well... it spins the hot air around...

Couples group was great. We focused on listening...

I did go for a walk with my upstairs neighbor at 8pm...

The day again went by too fast.

Daily Lovely Insight:

A new message has been stirring in my heart... stewardship... when we see that word, we think about how we manage our time or money in light of who God is and who we are in Christ. But besides time and money, I think believers have neglected to be godly stewards of their heart and mind. They have allowed the world to influence them and lure them away from a passionate devotion and commitment to God. I see this in the way they set their priorities or the way they talk. Jesus said... It's not what goes into a man, but what comes out of him. From the overflow of his heart... from the overflow of his thoughts... I want to be more aware of being a faithful steward in all areas of my life.

Seek Him First!
PersonsHeart Instagram posts (photos and videos) -


  1. We pray to be faithful stewards too

  2. Yes... and not just about money and time... It's really about heart and mind... Are we guarding our heart? Are we tending to what we are putting in our mind and thoughts?
