Sunday, October 30, 2022

Preaching Today!

Yes, I preached last week and I preached again today! The Lord carried me through... 

This morning, I went out early to run errands. Then came back and got Mom up.

Alan and Isaiah were home, so they stayed with Mom while I went to World Gym to do a treadmill walk! I didn't have time to do weights... 

Then it was home to get things together before leaving for church. We try to get to church early to set up! I love it... 

We had a smaller group together. After we got back, I put things away, took care of Mom, and then arranged for furniture pick up for tomorrow! Yes, I'm again helping people to give away things! What a ministry this has become!

Daily Lovely Insight:

For the message tonight, I had prepared two cups for each person. One was filled with water and the other had wine. I wanted the congregation to sit and take sips of each and consider some of these questions: 

1. How can you honor God?

2. How is His power and authority true in your life?

3. How is obedience in the difficult moments being changed into the Wow Moments to reveal His glory?

4. What is God wanting to change from the ordinary into the finest?

5. Are you giving God full authority in your life?

6. Can you see the 'cross' that God wants you to bear as the 'joy set before you'?

7. Consider what God wants to do in and through and with your life. Are you ready?

Read John 2:1-11!

The Wedding at Cana (John 2:1-11)

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630