Saturday, October 29, 2022

Fun Day Out!

This morning started very early... at 5am... Abby called at 6am as we finally had Family Time!

We finished at 7:30 and Alan and Isaiah went to play tennis. I kept talking with her until 8am, which was 2am in Germany!

I then went for a quick run and got back to get Mom ready.

We had a helper come at 11am. I went through the routine with her and we took off to YiLan! We had planned this day trip since Isaiah came back a month ago!

There's a fun farm out in YiLan. So, we first went to the Teppanyaki place that we went to with Abby during Chinese New Year. Then we went to the Farm. Even though it was sprinkling, the place was packed! It was like a petting zoo and a farm... Alan slept in the car and Isaiah and I went in! They also had desserts at the end, which we brought back to the car for Alan.

Next, we were off in search of the famous onion pancakes... we went to two different ones for comparison plus we got bubble milk tea! YEAH!

We also went to the night market and found Isaiah watch band. 

We headed back at around 5pm and the traffic was very light! We were at Costco by 6:15. And that place was packed!

We got meat, and milk and Alan got the cord and plug for his iPhone! Another 40US$! Alan is a spender... for sure!

We headed to a night market in Neihu and got stinky tofu before heading back home!

Mom was in bed and the lady left!

What a fun day! 

I have booked two more Saturdays in November! And I hope to book more Saturdays for the month of December, January and February and use up all 84 hours! I paid only 492NT$ and the rest was subsidized by the government. She doesn't do any housework, but I know Mom is being cared for and we can go and have fun!

By using this service, I don't have any days for Mom to stay overnight. I'm ok with that as it's very troublesome to get into these overnight facilities for short term stay. Mom has to have a full health check up, which is valid for only three months. I have to pay for that. And they can't promise that beds are available, so that makes it difficult for me to make any travel plans. That's why I decided to use this 'weekend' service. They come for up to 10 hours. And they will not stay overnight!

Daily Lovely Insight:

John 11:25-26 - Bible verse (KJV) -

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630