Sunday, September 26, 2021

Cooler Weather... At Least At Night!

With Mom moving slower, it's actually nicer as she's not wandering around... And today was a first! I didn't have to wash the bedding! YIPPY!

That made my morning a lot easier! After breakfast, I strapped her into the wheelchair and she was content to look out the windows. 

We had to attend Abby's 'event' so we went there at 11:30 and Mom ate shaved ice and rice noodles. Then it was straight to church! While at the event, I walked her around the park so that she can get some sun! At church, I brought snacks. She was happy!!!!!!!! She didn't even say in the middle of the service that she wanted to go home. 

Dinner was tofu with soup... And then she was ready for bed. It was a long day... But I'm thrilled that I didn't have to do a load!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I finished reading Ezra and started Nehemiah and God brought me to notice this phrase, "the good hand of my God... or the hand of my God..." and in both books, God's hand brought favor. One verse even said, "The hand of our God is favorably disposed to all those who seek Him." What a beautiful thought! I prayed that for Isaiah! May he experience the favorable hand of God upon him during this year and grow more in love with God!

Seek Him First!

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