Wednesday, September 15, 2021

A "Free Day"!

I'm so glad that I had set today and tomorrow as 'free day' as I knew there would be many errands to run for Isaiah before the four day weekend and then he will be taking off!

So, let me explain about yesterday's blog!

These past few days have been laborious, as I have to clean Mom's room on a DAILY BASIS! That means changing the bedding and washing her clothes. I triple layer her bed, and between each layer, I put these huge plastic pads. I did it once just on top and she took it off! Don't ask what she was thinking. And yes, my back has not been that great, but the LORD is my healer. He again healed me! So, I just move much slower now. I keep telling myself -- DO NOT RUSH!

So, yesterday, before getting Mom up, I went through the packing with Isaiah. He weighed it -- only 28kgs. We will have to repack to fit more stuff in!

Then, I got Mom up and smelled the urine! After getting her in the van, I was cleaning. I wanted to fit in a run, so when the stuff was in the washer, I took off! The run helps to energize me. I was in the shower and out the door to the bank. I was trying to transfer the rent and after 30 minutes, did NOT get it done. There were too many numbers and I didn't have everything. I rushed back home and got into the car and drove to my friend's house. We loaded up the car and I was back home! But our B2 parking was being fixed, so I had to find parking outside. My friend bought me a pizza! Yeah... Tutoring started at 3:30 to 5pm and then from 5:30 to 6:40. Bible study was at 7pm. When that finished, I had three files to edit. EMERGENCY! I was so exhausted. But I had to push through and email the files back to them. I went to bed at 12midnight! So happy to close my eyes! 

Today, my free day... and indeed, after a day like yesterday, today was relatively 'free'. 

Mom had her diaper on, but she peed through. So everything was stripped again and thrown into the washer. She took off and I continued the cleaning. Alan helped me unload all the books and I sorted through everything. 

I was again at the bank! And yes, it is still not done. I am still missing one more set of numbers! I dropped off the donations to three different people and my car is emptied. I had to go to three banks before I found one that sells British Pounds. I wanted to get some cash for Isaiah. He can also open a bank account and deposit the money. I wish I was going with him, but he will have to take care of all these details on his own! I also went to get more head shots printed out, just in case he needs them in the UK. They don't have photo booths so readily available. 

I came home and made dinner!

Tonight -- no tutoring... no counseling... FREE!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Let me not waste my day puttering around the house. Drive me to the place of prayer where I may wrestle with principalities and powers and the rulers of darkness of this world. 

Myrrh is used in death. It represents a sweetness that comes to the heart after it has died to self will, pride and sin. 

I read these and felt so drawn to what they were trying to express. I have also been reading from the book of Daniel. We worship the same God today as the days of Daniel. May I never forget that!

Seek Him First!

Toɴy D'Elια on Twitter: "Psalm 67:1-2"

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