Monday, September 27, 2021

Catching Up...

Mom was off to the Center! 

And another morning when I didn't have to strip the bedding... the secret... I wrap her in a waist band. It helps her back and keeps the diaper on! She's not wiggling at night trying to take it off! Fantastic!

With Mom at the Center, I was able to do a bit of catching up. I had editing to do... Clothes to put away... and I had to bake for my evening class, plus cook dinner!

I did call the AC guy and hopefully he will come this week to clean and check, maybe all of them just need freon! That would be a praise! But the weather is getting cooler... a lot more bearable. 

I did go for a run... and then dropped off things that will be shipped to the Philippines!

This evening, I had class from 7-9pm. And I will be starting my Wednesday afternoon Bible study at Soochow on the 13th of October!

We heard from Isaiah! He attended the 'Welcome Week Events'. I hope he gets a lot of free stuff!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I've started to ask God for my personal verse of focus for 2022. I usually set the verse in the middle of November. God is showing me different ideas... The passage He gave me last year has been a great source of comfort for me throughout this year. 

I'll share it again here:

Lamentations 3:21-25 (Verse 21 is not highlighted, but that is part of my passage for 2021.) 

Lamentations 3:22-25 | Lamentations, Words, Inspirational quotes

God has constantly helped me to call to mind... and to have hope... 


Seek Him First!

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