Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Back Problem!

Yes, that's right... Please pray!

I was trying to get my Mom into the shower, but she wouldn't let go of the door rail! She has just enough brain and enough strength to make things difficult! I don't know what she was thinking! Standing there, with the door opened, the water on and not letting go... it was like she was taking a shower 'outside of the shower'... it was weird and now my back is whacked!

Abby helped by rubbing and massaging it... but it's not fully restored. It's like something slipped or is slightly herniated!

I was hoping to go for a run this evening... but with my back 'whacked', I decided not to... 

I did get up early, but not early enough. I tried to rest this day... but it was so hot!

Sorted through some exquisite clothes and mailed a few items to Annie.

I wanted to mail more but the box was too heavy for my present back situation. 

I did go pay our credit card bill... and Isaiah's visa came in, but he didn't pick it up yet. He will do that on Friday!

Abby went bike riding with the Christian gals from her previous youth retreat.

Isaiah worked at his internship.

Alan has been uploading all the pictures from all our gadgets.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Don't get to your daily business until you've prayed because PRAYER IS THE REAL DAILY BUSINESS!

Seek Him First!

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