Friday, September 17, 2021

A Day at the Zoo!

Mom did go to the Center. I begged the Center and put a diaper on her. I wanted to clarify that because Mom's mobility isn't that stable the Center doesn't usually take a person if mobility is hampered. But Mom looked like she was doing better!

The kids, Alan and I had planned another fun day. So, we went to Hsientien, but nothing was open due to Covid. But we did go to Ikea and look around and I helped someone give away more furniture. We then went back into Taipei to have lunch. By 1:30, we were at the zoo. The thunder shower came and it made the afternoon so much cooler. We walked and walked and walked.

We had to keep our eyes on the time as we had to be back to pick up Mom. We made it just in time. For dinner, we bought pot stickers and water dumplings.

We are trying to have fun with Isaiah... I can't believe he is leaving so soon.

Daily Lovely Insight:

If you're too busy to pray, you're too busy. W. E. Sangster

Here is another one:

Seek Him First!

Toɴy D'Elια on Twitter: "Psalm 67:1-2"