Monday, June 21, 2021

Side Effects?

Ok... I'm not sure if these 'activities' are side effects from the vaccine, but I was told to observe 14 days! Mom does not have a fever. Mom does not seem to have any side effects, but she has strange 'activities'. Yesterday, she was quite calm... all day. She did get up to eat dinner, which she enjoyed!

BUT, early in the morning from 3-8am, she was up and active and pushing the chairs and sitting at the dining room table.  She had taken her sundowner pill, so I don't think it's that. Then this morning, I tried to wake her up, but she was not wanting to get up. I guess she was tired from being so active last night! She got up at 11am and had her breakfast and went back to bed. But then she would get up and go to the bathroom... and go back to bed... and get up again... She got up for dinner and a shower... and we will see what happens tonight!. 

I did a lot today... probably too much. But with the AC on, it was very manageable. I cleaned out the back balcony and it is so much more organized. I met up with four people and gave away the amp, the telephone, the cell phone case (for an iPhone 11), and dropped off the equipment for the church online service!

I also went to buy burger buns and veggies and made cheeseburgers for dinner! 

The clouds came, but it never rain! I was hoping to go for a run in the rain! It did cool down at around 5pm. Otherwise, the AC was on the entire day! Honestly, it really makes being home a lot more tolerable. 

I was going to go and donate blood, but never made it since I was not sure what Mom was going to be like. I hope to go this week... 

The weather looks like it will be cooler this week... I sure hope so!

Daily Lovely Insight:

The confirmed cases dropped below 100 today! Now, if we can keep that going for this week... and bring down the number of death... Level 2 might be in sight... I sure hope so... People are getting 'impatient' for things to be back to 'normal'. 

And that's one positive thing: a great appreciation to seeing friends! And I hope even being able to go to work! I know I will be happy when we can gather again for church... and even to have Love Feast together!

No matter what, I want to stay true to the word of God -- Give thanks in everything for that's the will of God in Christ Jesus!

Seek Him First!

Toɴy D'Elια on Twitter: "Psalm 67:1-2"


  1. OH level 2 hope so so so much soon

  2. I KNOW you always do too much

  3. Mom was super active and super messy... I had to wash everything and put a diaper on her... She's hyper again!
