Friday, June 4, 2021

A Gorgeous Down Pour... But Not So Good With Mom!

I can't figure it out... yesterday was great with Mom... today, she was back at it. I had to change the entire bedding and we were all again on the every five minute alert! It's like her repetitive clapping or banging. By 3pm, we all started to ignore her! I guess that's the unpredictability of dementia.

Isaiah worked from home.

Abby had her internship from home, She was going to go to the Wanhua area, but we all said NO... that's where her internship office is at. I guess everyone said NO! She was going to do a video for the organization so she just had to use pictures that she had.

Alan had discipleship on line and then went to Costco. They were out of ground beef, Kirtland Whole Milk, whipping cream and had to limit the purchase of most items. What's going on? Are people hoarding? After that, he had to go to school to pick up his students' notebooks.

I had a marvelous run in the heavy down pour and thunder and lightning. I wanted to run and run and run! But I only had time to run 12k. I love the time out there when no one is around. And when I see the lightning and hear the roar of the thunder that follows, it is just unbelievable! Yes, I came back completely soaked through. I realized that the last time I did a long run was back on May 1st. Mom was at the overnight facility and I ran around Taipei! I don't know when I'll be able to do that as the Level 3 doesn't seem to be ending soon! WAHHHHHH... I have cancelled all face to face tutoring and now have only one on line tutoring plus my editing. Of course, I'm sharing at HOP as the service is going to be broadcasted from our house for two consecutive weeks in June!

Isaiah saw on the news that the down pour was so heavy that many places in Taipei and New Taipei were flooded! YIKES! 

We had family time tonight. 

According to the weather forecast, there is a typhoon approaching. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

I found this in two different commentaries about Psalm 63.

People regard life as natural; David regarded God’s great love as natural.

People enjoy life; David enjoyed God’s great love.

People value life; David valued God’s great love.

People will sacrifice to live; David would sacrifice for God’s great love.

People want to give life to others; David wanted to give God’s great love.

People despair without the sense of life; David despaired without the sense of God’s great love.

“May I ask a question of every professed Christian? Have you spoken with God this morning? Do you allow a day to pass without converse with God? Can it be right for us to treat the Lord with mute indifference?” (Spurgeon)

I haven't yet finished by talk... But I'm getting close to finishing and working on the ppt as well! It is indeed a powerful psalm of David, written while he was in the wilderness of Judah!

Seek Him First!



  1. Still praying for you and family and especially mom

  2. Good... we need the prayer support!

  3. Good... we need the prayer support!
