Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What Is Peace?

I have always enjoyed the story of Gideon... A man who was scared and became a mighty warrior. In Judges 6: 23-34, Gideon heard from God and built an altar, calling it "The LORD is peace." During this time, I think we all need to build an altar and name it "The LORD is peace." I know a lot of people are praying that covid-19 will be gone, but will they experience peace? Probably not, because they will proceed to worry about the economy recovering. And when the economy does recover, will they experience peace? Probably not... People can't have peace without the LORD. God wants to come into our lives and speak His peace over us. Like Jesus said in John 14:27 and John 16:33,
27 Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.
33 These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
I think it's time that we make an altar within our heart. Name it THE LORD IS PEACE.

That's my insight for today...

I continue to live out the truth of my strength comes from the Lord. In the morning I had my Bible study and we talked about the slandering tongue and the gossiping tongue. The Mexican meatloaf and veggie rice plus lady's finger dessert were gobbled up...

I came back home and put away the clothes and put dinner in the rice cooker! It was warm (and I noticed that this week is going to be warm) but I wanted to go out for a quick run! I rushed home and Isaiah was home. Before taking a shower, I scootered over to the library to pick up my reserved books. I have to preview them before my tutoring session tomorrow.

I had my evening Bible study. We are starting a new study on the Trustworthiness of God.

When I got back, I took down the recycling and found two gadgets in the 'recycling bin'. They didn't have cords, but I found cords for them. One was something like a CD player with a place to put iPods and listen to music. Exactly what I wanted! I have three iPods and wanted to use them, but they won't sync to the mini speakers that we have! The other gadget was a ViewSonic phone and 'iPad'. After charging it, NO PROBLEM! God supplies...

Abby and I also went for a late evening walk...

Remember: The LORD is peace!

Seek Him First!
Proverbs 19:21 by Gabriel Barletta on Dribbble

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