Saturday, April 13, 2024

A Not-So-Busy-Day

Yes, I was up early... Alan was leaving at 6am to catch the bus to Yilan for a judging competition. Isaiah had his new men's Bible study group at 7am. After he left, I headed out for my 11km, to finish the week above 63km total!

Then after getting home, I grabbed my WGE stuff and headed out for another quick workout before coming home for Mom duty! That's the usual on the weekends!

Isaiah went off to play tennis after the study then he came home for a nap! I had one too... YIPPY! While Mom enjoyed her breakfast, I napped! She also enjoyed her lunch. I didn't give her an afternoon snack!

Isaiah met up with friends for sushi at 3:30 and then this evening instead of going to the church young adult event, he went to play 3-on-3 with his co-workers.

Alan came back by around 6pm and I had made grilled cheese sandwiches! 

I set all the iRobots to work, sweeping and mopping! YEAH!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Here are the discussion questions for the Children's Day Service on April 7th that Alan led:

1. Mark 10:16 says, “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” How can we, as grown-ups, maintain our belief in God like a child?


2. In Mark 10: 13-16, Jesus laid His hand on the children. What is the significance of this?

在馬可福音 10:13-16 中,耶穌按手在孩子身上。這有什麼意義呢?

3. Why did the disciples not allow the children to come to Jesus?


4. What are some of the ways to help a not-yet believer to know Jesus?


5. How can you show love for Jesus in your daily life?


If time permits, look at John 3:16-17 and I Cor. 13:4-7, how have you grown in your love for God and others? What actions can you take this week to show the love described to those around you?

如果時間允許,請參考約翰福音 3:16-17 和哥林多前書 3:16-17。 13:4-7,您對神和他人的愛有怎樣的增長?本週您可以採取哪些行動來向周遭的人表達您所描述的愛?

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4: A Quick Look (Faith produces...)


  1. I need to spend some time on your questions !!

  2. And good title NOT so busy....

  3. I decided not to push myself to get Mom to a place for a massage!
