Saturday, December 23, 2023

A Peaceful Saturday!

I was up early but not early enough to head out by 6am. I was trying to get out the door to see what it will be like on January 6th. 

I stayed home and got some chores done... paperwork for Mom, her pillbox, the clothes to put away. Alan was back at around 11am so he stayed with Mom while I went for my 10k run! It was nice!

Isaiah helped at New Life Church, being Joseph for their kids' program. Alan went to church for the AV training. I stayed with Mom.

This evening Isaiah had a party with Warwick Alumni and since I had a helper come, Alan and I had a chance to go out. We have a friend who is performing at one of the big hotels and New Taipei City had the Christmas Light Display! Overall, it was a nice day... 2023 Christmasland in New Taipei City > Taiwan Tourism Events > Tourism  Administration, Republic of China (Taiwan)

Daily Lovely Insight:

Mary Isaiah 9:6 – Pack of 10 – Potters House Limited

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 iPhone Wallpaper by vmitchell85 on DeviantArt | Wallpaper  bible, Bible verses quotes, Jeremiah 29 11