Saturday, July 29, 2023

Relaxing Productive Saturday!

I was up early... and with the overcast day, leaving at 6:55, I was able to stay out there until a little past 8am. I did run 11km, so I finished the week with 61.40K. I'm super happy! I am very goal oriented!

Then it was Mom Care.

I went for a massage at 10:15 (my appointment was at 10:30, but I was a bit late!) as Alan came home to 'watch' my mom!

After finishing the massage, which was way too short, I did a few errands: bought juice for tomorrow's love cafe drink, got my scooter tuned up, bought avocado to make the dip, and got home by 1:20! YEAH! 

I spent the afternoon CLEANING! It was time to do a more thorough cleaning! In between cleaning, I had to lay down just to rest a bit!

This evening, my Bible study was postponed. One of the dear sisters has been spinning with elderly care. In the past 3 months, her step dad has been in the hospital three times. He comes out, gets better, and then dips down again. He is back in the hospital and now with a feeding tube!

I was feeling blessed with the extra time as I wanted to do more message prep and I hadn't cleaned Mom's bathroom. 

How did the day fly by so quickly? It was a mixture of relaxing and productive!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I am reading a great book... and I truly believe that if we have reverential awe and wonder towards the resurrection, we should be more readily to surrender to His purpose for our lives... with more steadfastness and heart! 

God is extremely patient with me! 

I am so grateful!

Seek Him First!