Saturday, June 3, 2023

It's Getting Hotter... Even When It Rains!

I tried to go to bed early... or earlier... So, last night I was in bed by 10:30 and up by 5:30! After my time with God, I reorganized the back as the shelf was getting too bent and things were falling off of it. And then, it was time to go out to World Gym Express and do a run... in the heat!

I had to hurry... so, no machine, just sauna and shower and home to care for Mom. 

Alan and Isaiah were home from tennis already and watching a Padres game. I guess it got too hot for them.

While Mom was eating, I took down the clothes that were hanging, took out the trash, wash two fans and a pan I found in the recycling trash. I will give that away! It's a nice frying sauce pan with a lip for pouring. I didn't get to mop the floor. I keep wanting to get to that... It's just too hot!

Mom enjoyed her meals... She has a good appetite. That's why the doctors all say that she will live until 105. 

This evening, after Mom went to bed, the three of us went out to dinner to celebrate Isaiah's acceptance of his full time job at NanShan Insurance in the Finance Sector. It's a 3.5 year commitment! We ate at a Buffet Hot Pot. (This is after our table has been cleaned!) It was so delicious!

He will also need to get a physical and a credit report. We made an appointment for him to get his physical on Tuesday, June 6th and he can also get his credit report!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Proverbs 5:1 WEB - My son, pay attention to my wisdom. Turn your ear

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images