Thursday, June 8, 2023

I Needed This PR DAY!

I got up early... with wishful thinking that I'll go out for a run before the sun starts blaring. After my time with Jesus, I went back to bed. Wow... Not enough! I would just like an entire day to do nothing but sleep.

I got Mom up and ready. She went off, I called to make that appointment for her psych evaluation on July 13th. I put a load of laundry in before getting Mom up. So, it was finished. I hung everything up and called Ms. Hsieh! She had time. So, I scootered over! TWO HOURS! It was 'painful', which means something is not flowing properly. I came home after buying bananas and cucumbers and slept for another two hours. 

It was nice and cloudy outside, so I went for a run. I came back, picked up my bags and went to World Gym. It was more for the shower and sauna, not the workout! I was home and Alan was back to pick up Isaiah's basketball stuff. We prayed together and he took off. Mom was home.

Alan and Isaiah played basketball and then Isaiah met up with his Soochow Tennis friends at 8pm and had dinner! I had dinner ready for Alan. 

This evening, it was nice to be home! NO APPOINTMENTS -- NO PRAYER TIME, NO BIBLE STUDY ON LINE! I decided to pack the last suitcase! Annie, I'm glad you're going to pick us up! The 'stuff' keeps growing! Now, I have two suitcases, two carry ons and one box... and I still have things to buy! Ha, ha, ha.... It's a mother load of stuff!

Daily Lovely Insight:

O Lord, in your strength, I rejoice!

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images


  1. Glad you slept more and got a massage

  2. I couldn't do much... Just felt wiped out... And Annie, I bought more!
