Saturday, December 31, 2022

What A Splendid Day to Close Out 2022!

One surprise was that Isaiah called via the pay phone. That's the only way they can call. No cell phone. They were given a phone card with 100NT$. It was delightful to hear his voice. His haircut did not pass inspection. So, they had to cut it some more. He wasn't the only one. 

The weather was chilly... which is my favorite. So, after Alan came home, I went for a run and I hit 12.68. I had time! I did another quick workout and came home. Mom and Alan were both resting.

After Mom went to bed, Alan and I went to church to set up for the evening service. I made milk tea and regular tea. I had bought lots of snacks. The service was absolutely beautiful... just a small group of people. The songs, the verses, the questions... 

We dropped off a couple and headed home, arriving just minutes before 12midnight!

What a beautiful way to say farewell, 2022!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Isaiah 42:10 KJV Mobile Phone Wallpaper - Sing unto the LORD a new song,  and his praise

One of the songs we sang tonight was Make Room... I think that's the 'new thing' for 2023... I need to make room for God to do more in and through me... I want to stop rushing around. I want to practice keeping the Sabbath. There are new things that the LORD has in store... And I'm trusting Him to have His way in my life! More of Him... Less of me... 

Shake up the ground of all my tradition
Break down the walls of all my religion
Your way is better
Your way is better

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images


  1. HAHAHAH I will hold you to that STOP rushing around....

  2. If you didn't know me, you'd think I was on Ritalin or something that way I go, go, go... Seriously, I am intentional about slowing down and you can hold me to it!
