Tuesday, December 13, 2022

It's Raining Here Too...

I knew that this week was going to be busy... 

I had a short fast run before my morning Bible study. The soup turned out beautifully. After I cleaned up, I headed out to World Gym, 30 minutes, and then donated blood! On the way back, I bought duck for my evening study! I was home just 20 minutes before Mom got back. That was enough time to put everything away and get her dinner heated up.

I had also done a load of laundry, so I got everything out of the dryer... and then baked for tomorrow.

This evening, I had my second Bible study, which was just a Christmas party... The food was a feast... the conversation engaging... 

Oh... after my morning study, I put more ingredients in the electric pot and had Alan and Isaiah's dinner ready for them! 

The weather is going to turn cold as we're getting hit by an arctic cold front... whatever that means. So, soup is the best! I think I'll keep making more soup for this whole week.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 98 -- the whole earth praise and worship God... The sound of nature is an act of worship. When I ran at night, I heard the earth worshipping God... the birds, the fishes, the toads, the crickets, the leaves, the wind... Each sound when put together was like a symphony!

Psalms 98:7-8 Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all  who live in it. Let the rivers clap the… | New international version, Bible  apps, Psalms

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as so...

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