Sunday, December 4, 2022

Carrefour Closed!

Today was the last day for Carrefour. I went back there to see if there were more things discounted. NOTHING! Sad to say goodbye to such a fine store... 

While Mom was eating lunch, I did another load of clothes and took out the Christmas decorations... the Manger scene and redid the display area on top of the piano. That's all we do for Christmas... It's very nice and simple! I like it!

Church at 2:30 and Isaiah led worship. The message was a time for vision casting. Alan then had the board meeting, but we came home, dropping off one friend and another friend came over for a visit. She is living in the UK and we got to see her, but the visit in London was way too brief.... She hung out at our house

When I came back from dropping off our friend at 10:45pm, I saw another bag and box of donation by my scooter. About 20 pairs of shoes and a box of stationary goods... I will have to sort and donate tomorrow. My trunk is so filled with things... I am hoping that the facility that we are using for the White Elephant Party will let me store some stuff there! I can't keep lugging around all that I've got already... drinks, snacks, gifts... 

The day went by so fast... 

This week is going to be another busy one... And yes, another fast one!

Daily Lovely Insight:

What a great promise for this month! For all time!

Prayer Pointers: 2 Corinthians 9:8 - Blessed to Give

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as so...


  1. what is going to open in its place? why close?

  2. They didn't want to sign the lease again! I'm not sure what will open there instead! I hope something super good! I do need another supermarket!
