Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Christmas Newsletter... Part 1

Abby is FIRST!

Recap of 2022: I graduated from Soochow University, Social Work Department, in June, but there was no graduation ceremony. I had a wonderful time with friends, saying goodbye! I also started a youth group with another church couple at House of Praise with the support of other families and our new pastor. At the end of June, I left my beautiful birthplace, Taiwan, and headed to the UK and the States. It was really nice, traveling with my brother and father around the UK. I got to do a lot of things that I never dreamed of, such as going to Wimbledon. In the States, I was introduced to Line Dancing! I was in California for six weeks and going Line Dancing made me feel like a 'real' American! I spent the time with my cousins, my Grandma Bea, aunts, uncles, and other relatives. I really cherished the time since I hadn't seen them in the past three years. Then in late August, I returned to the UK and headed to Germany. I traveled more and then started Discipleship Training School in Freiburg. I wasn't really well prepared as I didn't know that not knowing German would be a huge barrier. I also didn't know that DTS was going to be so 'tough'. All I can say is that God is in the process of transforming me, teaching me that I am VERY limited and I NEED to surrender every minute of my life to Him.

Bible Verse of Focus for 2023:
This Is An Isaiah 22:22 Year Of Doors That Swing Both Ways! Destiny Will  Find Your Loved Ones!

Isaiah 22:22
And I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of David. He shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open. I will give him the key to the house of David -- the highest position in the royal court.

Prayer Requests for 2023:
1. To depend on God in all aspects, learning to depend on Him financially.
2. To have an amazing outreach in Chile and Argentina from January 2nd to February 24th.
3. To never give up.
4. To draw closer to God.
5. To become a woman of God.

Daily Lovely Insight:
Today is Isaiah's last Wednesday at the MOE. I'm going to miss having him at 'work'!

James 3: 17
Daily Verse: James 3:17 | KCIS 630
Seek Him First!
2 Peter 3:9 - MSG Bible - God isn't late with his promise as some measure  la...