Thursday, November 17, 2022

Trying to Rest!

Mom went off and I got busy stripping the sheet and cleaning! It's not my favorite kind of morning, but it has to be done. And it does not help with my back!

After that was done, I had breakfast and laid down to rest!

Then it was time to work, work, work... I also prepped for my Bible study, both the homework for next Tuesday and the activity for today! Everything was baked! And I rode over at 12:40.

The study was fabulous! We had so much fun. The review activity was a hit! And we read basic facts about sheep as we studied the parable from Matthew 18: 10-14!

Instead of coming back directly, I went in search of good running socks. Nothing! I think I should have started earlier! But in my sock drawer this evening, I found a brand new pair... Looks pretty nice. So, I'm going to bring them!

Mom was back no less than 20 minutes after I got home. I barely had time to put things away and heat up her food! A friend also delivered two huge bags of things to give away. I spent the evening sorting through everything. Soochow Christmas Flea Market, Donations for sale, Donations for YWAM, Donations to be shipped to the Philippines or Indonesia... And everything is loaded into the car! Another neighbor stopped me while she was walking her dog. She has things to give away! Electric juicer, iRobot vacuum cleaner, men's jackets... She will put things in our A Building Lobby!

I did go for a walk... just to keep my legs limber. 

Alan and Isaiah were at Soochow to play basketball.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Keep praying for these students. Another not yet believer joined us today and it seems as if he really enjoyed the discussion!

And this was a collection of all the answers from today's discussion!

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as so...