Monday, November 21, 2022

A Slow and Fulfilling Day!

After Mom left, and Alan and I prayed together, I was cleaning the house. Then I drove the car out to the park. I had gathered so much donation stuff that I needed the space to sort things. I didn't want to bring things up to the house and then having to pack the car up again. So, I went to the park! What a task!

I then drove to Soochow and dropped off one mega load of stuff. I didn't have time to drive to my second stop. I came home, changed to the scooter and rode off to my hair appointment. I had bought a coupon and made the appointment for today, knowing that it would be a wonderful thing to get a nice hair wash and cut! I didn't get there until 11:45, but the lady was super nice!

The cut is short... but I like it!

Then off for an oil massage! Yes, a day of some R & R. Now, I had plenty to do, but I just set everything aside. I had translation to finish up, Bible study to finish up, and tutoring... 

I finished and rushed home. I barely had an hour before Mom was home! YIKES! I finished only one file!

After Mom went to bed, I cranked out another file and then off to tutor at 8pm. 

I am feeling much better. I think I'm ready for a run tomorrow... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Since the run, I am so rejuvenated! I want to get up when it's dark and spend time with Jesus. I'd love to go out for an early early morning run and just talk with Him! I feel refreshed! That run was like a solitude retreat for me... not the last part with my blisters and having to walk, but in the middle of the night with the rain and the sound of nature all around me! Sabbath is about rest... and in a strange weird way, it was like a Sabbath for me... My body wasn't resting, but my soul and spirit were!

The Living... — Acts 17:28 (ESV) - for “'In Him we live and move...

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as so...