Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Another Super Warm Day!

I went out for 8km and came back and got busy with Bible study prep!

We had a great discussion as we looked at Psalm 98.

After cleaning up, I scootered out to: get Isaiah's scooter tuned up, pick up the rice cooker, pay our credit card bill and drop off money to ship more boxes. 

I was back by 2:45 and started editing, after tidying up the house, using the iRobot vacuum cleaner!

The editing is exhausting, but it's a job that I can do from home!

Mom was home and I had dinner ready. While Mom was enjoying her dinner, I made breakfast bars for the MOE and my Thursday Bible study kids! YEAH!

Isaiah came back before 7pm and enjoyed the leftovers!

Alan was the last one home. He finished the leftover! I'm so glad... We had so much food in our fridge!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 98 English Standard Version (ESV) Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord🕊 –  Alicia J's Place

Today, we can all sing a new song for He has done wonderful marvelous things... 

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as so...