Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Another Long MOE Day!

Yes, I don't like Wednesdays because of the rush to get to the MOE Building and the rush to get back. I love the hour I spend teaching... I was asked to write a short response regarding what I am planning to do for 2023. Well... I wrote that I don't think I will continue after June of 2023!  I think they are not going to like that... But what can I do? With the care of my Mom, it's just way too stressful!

Now... to share about a miracle regarding the run on Friday! As you might recall, our church had the Fall Retreat in Yilan, where the run will be held. I was hoping to go and run the route to familiarize myself with the path. But I had no time... BUMMER! Two weeks ago, I received an email, notifying me that the route has been changed. I sent the email to Alan and earlier this week, he showed me the path, noting that it was right by our retreat lodging, the exact path that I did get to run while we were at our retreat! I was so shocked! Then today, a gal from my noon time class showed me pictures as she ran one-loop of it. The pictures confirmed that the path is one and the same! Wow... Thank you God!

I didn't have to tutor tonight... What a relief! I still had prayer time with this sister!

Of course, there were lots to do in terms of tidying up and caring for my mom!

This evening after Mom went to bed, I had time for a walk just to keep my legs limber. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

My best friends are very concerned about this upcoming run... How I love them!!! I assured them that I only have three speed: slow, slower and slowest! And I will not be overexerting myself and will make sure to hydrate and fuel regularly. The organizers of these runs are pretty good about providing salt tablets, gels, and food... I make sure I drink lots of liquid and fuel myself with a banana or a tea egg regularly. They also have 'midnight snacks', such as rice noodle soup and fried rice! Now, this is my first overnight, so that's going to be interesting. And the furthest I've ran thus far has been 81km, 12 hours. I have not had time to train for this one... not with Covid, and the care of my mom! But as you might recall, I did plenty of walking this summer, which was totally fabulous! So, hopefully, I will be ready to be on my feet for a very long time! One tip that I read which resonates in my heart is: BE HUMBLE! I will stay at my own pace with the simple goal of just crossing the finish line!

The Lord is my Strength... 

And thank you for keeping me in your prayers!

My Strength Habakkuk 3:19 Phone Wallpaper - FREE - Bible Verses To Go

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as so...


  1. oh you nutter, remember NOT to injure yourself

    1. I am insane... I have not trained... I'm already tired...
