Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sharing at Glory English Ministry... then to House of Praise!

In the morning I shared from Psalm 91. Mom stayed home with Alan and Abby. They went to the park!

Then in the afternoon we were at House of Praise. Abby led the worship time and James spoke... on Who Gave Him Food?

It was a full-filling day... No tutoring... No Family Time... After Mom went to bed, I went for a walk!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Here are the highlights from Pastor James' message:

Who Gave Him Food?


  1. Outline for today’s sermon: The Power of the Unspoken Word, The Nature of A Transferred Life, The Disparity in Perceived Priority, & The Often Displaced Opportunity
  2. True passion comes with knowledge or else one will live a life with passion for nothing.
  3. Leaving the water jar is like leaving your iPhone 13.
  4. So often we can’t think outside of our own motivation and perspective.
  5. We often ask God, why can’t I just move forward, why not now, why… 
  6. God has a different purpose with a different core orientation.
  7. Where is your passion? Are we moving from “GOOD” to GREAT? Don’t miss the opportunities for the greatest!

My message from Psalm 91:

God Most High/Almighty -- there is no one higher... He is our refuge, our shelter, our shield, our buckler, our fortress, our salvation... the One who rescues, who protects... from harms and trails... We are safe as we dwell and abide close to Him! 

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630