Sunday, March 6, 2022

Pastoral Couple "Installed"

I was up early... and got a lot done before church.

I had to buy more diapers which I will drop off tomorrow.

At church, another sister told me about her father... two weeks in the nursing home and he also lost the ability to walk or stand up. They decided to bring him home and now are looking for a full time helper. BUT, they might have to find someone 'illegal'... I can't do that as I cannot leave the country if I have a full time helper here! I have no idea what to do... But I know God has all this figured out already!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Isaiah 42:1-13

BEHOLD! Today we walked out to LOOK with God's heart around the area where God has planted us. And Abby and I noticed many things: 

Store names: UWOOD, iDO, House in the City, Love without Borders-Forming Unlimited Dreams

And we noticed NO CHURCHES ANYWHERE NEARBY. In our old place, there were four churches within a radius of one kilometer.

And we formally introduced James and Helen You as the pastoral couple after the service today! 

Exciting Time... James shared that THEY HAD NO IDEA WHAT GOD WAS DOING! And that's the best. When we don't know, we lean more on God in trust and faith!

That was very encouraging to me because I have no idea what is going to happen with my mom at this new place. How can I get them to do better in their care? Be more personal and truly help her to gain her strength? They don't want elderly individuals who can walk. It's more work for them. It seems this is a prevalent situation! I will try to call and see if there is a better place, closer, that has a bed. 

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630


  1. I see everyone eating out of a metal bowl, just one so that there is not much washing? Oh man

  2. Eating out of what metal bowl?
