Saturday, March 19, 2022

Again at the Hospital...

Yes, Mom had another appointment... to look at her psych evaluation report and the doctor can prescribe the right kind of medication to balance Mom. I don't like 'drugging' her, but at least she won't be getting up at night!

I rushed home as we had a luncheon appointment and I was to bring a salad. Abby walked Mom over as she was babysitting the kids and Mom. Alan and I rode the scooter over and got there right at 12:30. We had Costco avocado rolls, Chinese cold noodles, salad, and roasted chicken. So good... It was a fun time.

I had promised Abby that I'd be home before 3:30 to 'relieve' her. And I ran home. It was hot, but a short run. I tidied up our friend's house and walked Mom home! She listened to the ancient Chinese poems and now has three memorized.

I took a shower and fixed Mom's dinner. 

When she went to bed, I rested... 

Abby had tutoring at 8pm and then we watched a movie.

Isaiah went to Birmingham as he won the drawing for a ticket to the international badminton tournament and the best player is there playing! He also had to drop off his computer... it needs a battery replacement, which isn't cheap in the UK, but what can we do... 

I was to have another psych evaluation next Thursday, but I will postpone that to 3/31. Alan and Abby will  have their spring break from 3/31 to 4/6. So we can go together. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

A new pair of shoes... So, today, we go over to our friend's house and outside their door was their recycling trash. Inside the box was a pair of nice slip on shoes. I'm picked them up, and they are my size. Very comfortable... and I have been wanting a pair of slip on shoes as the ones I have are so ready to be thrown out. But I didn't want to part with them. My friends said, "Go ahead and take them. They don't fit me well." I got home, put in my shoe inserts and PERFECT! If we didn't go over today, I would have never seen those shoes. If she didn't decide to toss them in the recycling, she would have never known that I wanted a pair of slip-ons. These are not coincidences... these are ways that God works in the details. 

God always provides. 

So, I will trust Him to provide the plane ticket and a place for my Mom.

God is my Provider.. - newlife4you

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630