Saturday, March 12, 2022

Getting Use to Things...

Giving Mom a shower was an ordeal. She is way too heavy!

I slipped and God is healing me.

I walked Mom around as much as possible. The next thing is to get her to walk more independently. The good thing is that she can't get up on her own! She needs assistance.

I did go for a run, but it was way too hot... I only went 10k. 

I didn't have time for much else as I went this morning to get Mom to get a psych evaluation and maybe I can qualify for more assistance. But the evaluation can't be done on Saturday, so I made an appointment for Thursday! That took the whole morning!

In the evening, we had a short family time!

Daily Lovely Insight:

God uses strong winds like His breath to go great things... I don't need to be afraid of the windy storm... maybe God is bringing the quail... maybe God is pulling back the Red Sea... maybe God is just waiting for me to invite Him to speak -- BE STILL... 

It was a difficult day... but God used it to speak to me about His Almighty Presence!

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630