Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sunday Already!

A new week has begun!

I cleaned out another container of things.. and went through 10 CDs. I would play the first song and the kids and Alan would decide if it's a "keep" or "give away"!

Our service was at 4pm, but not being broadcast from our home. Next week, it will be!

Alan and the kids went to play tennis. I rode the bike down there and played for 3 minutes. Mom was up four times and she figured out how to push the chairs out even with the weights and the rod. She freaked Isaiah out! He didn't sleep much at all! We are securing the rod to the legs of the chairs and we will see!

Tonight Alan and I watched the US version of the Good Doctor on Netflix.

Daily Lovely Insight:

II Chronicles 4:10

1 chronicles 3 and 4

This was the text for today's sermon: Enlarging Our Boundaries!

John mentioned the SpaceX Launch of non-astronauts into space... Perhaps with all the travel restrictions due to Covid-19,  space travel is the only travel that won't ask people to be quarantined upon returning!

Seek Him First!

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  1. hahaha, right you go up in space and come down with the same folks

  2. And a million is gone! A million $!
