Saturday, July 17, 2021

A New Editing Job!

This morning Mom was so active. She was able to push away two chairs with 40kilos of weights and not just once but over and over and over again! Isaiah and Alan went early to play tennis. I went to check the bikes and each time I came back in, Mom was there sitting at the dining room table! It wasn't even 7am! I finally got a rod from our recycling area and secured the chairs!

Abby joined them and so did I... for 15 minutes! We hope to do this again... it was fun! We think we should play doubles -- Abby with Alan and Isaiah will be my partner! Isaiah insulted me by saying, "Mom we will win if you just stand at the service line!" I couldn't stay long because I had to get back to check on Mom!

Because it's Saturday, Alan had to go buy things, such as soybean milk and the CO2 for the Sodastream machine.

In the afternoon, I downloaded my emails and got another editing job! I hope it will pay well!

It cooled down at 7pm so I went for a run and we had our Family Time this evening!

Isaiah built more ships out of Lego's.

Daily Lovely Insight: 

As we have finished the life of Eric Liddell, we have started reading about the life of George Muller! Both men had such a life of faith, being wise stewards of all of God's gifts. We are very challenged by their lives! George Muller didn't start off as a person who followed God. It helps me to remember: with God, all things are possible! He is in the business of transforming lives!


Seek Him First!

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  1. HA Pushing the chairs is her exercise oh my

  2. And I like your doubles in tennis, hope that will work.

  3. I really am enjoying tennis again... My arms are hurting! Frozen shoulders killed tennis playing... and yes, Mom is getting very strong. She can push and lift those chairs with all those weights. And she is eating plenty!
