Sunday, July 4, 2021

Online Worship & Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! - In God We Trust

Alan helped me to cut through three locks... So, I walked one down, got a basket for it and pumped up the tires. And we got the one ready for our upstairs neighbor. It was so hot, that I only made one trip.. I couldn't go back and forth... so I will post the bikes and whoever wants them can get them fixed.

I did go to the supermarket and bought groceries to make a delightful salad for dinner. It was so yummy especially on such a hot day. Service was at 4pm. And while we were having dinner, a dear sister dropped by and gave us mangos... YUMMY and more dessert for Alan! SUPER YUMMY!

I bought more adult diapers and inserts for Mom... I tried to turn on the AC unit in her room as she now turns off the ceiling fans. I had put several different fans in her room, but she has broken everyone of them. Now, she has figured out how to turn off the ceiling fan. The room was so stuffy... And the fan and the AC unit help with the smell... I had to turn them on after she went to bed, just to circulate the air!

The speaker for our worship service spoke from the book of Haggai!

.Consider Your Ways!" - Plain Bible Teaching

This evening we had Family Time!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Haggai 2:9 | Mary DeMuth

I like Haggai 2:9. 

In the midst of all the chaos, God says, "I will give you peace"... And those are the words from the mouth of the LORD ALMIGHTY!

Seek Him First!

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