Sunday, July 25, 2021

A Lot Done!

The day flew by... 

Abby and I rode our bikes as I had two books to give away and errands to run. Alan was home with Mom. We got contacts for Abby plus refills for white out tapes... and then shopped around Shihlin! It was so hot! 97F but with a feel of 111F!

The service was broadcast from our house! It was very nice!

Mom had a bit of diarrhea so she could only have toast for dinner! I gave her three pieces!

After we cleaned everything up, Alan and I watched TV. We are on a new show: The Good Doctor, the American version. Isaiah has been keeping us posted on the medal standings of all the countries!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Our speaker today shared from John 9, the healing of the man born blind! 

John 9: 1 - 41 | The Alliance Canada

So here are some questions to consider:

Why did John use an entire chapter to talk about this one healing?

How is this healing different from any other mentioned in the Gospel?

How far was the walk from the temple to the pool?

Did anyone help him to get there as he was walking with mud on his face, not to mention that he's blind?

How does this particular healing relate to our salvation experience? 

Seek Him First!

Time Of Madness – Psalm 67:1-2 | The Bottom of a Bottle