Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Another Hot Day...

The day flew by... 

I cut Mom's hair and she was up and wanting to eat. Her appetite is definitely back! She still eats slower than before, but she eats the whole day from the time she wakes up to the time she goes to sleep. 

Alan worked on cleaning more computers as I worked on my new editing job! 

Isaiah and Abby were both at their internship and this evening, they all went to play tennis! 

I had an hour run before Alan left.

This evening I had my Bible study, but with no one home, I had to supervise Mom.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Precision! That's what I've discovered today. 

I went and splurged on a new pair of glasses with transition lenses. 40US$! But for some reason, even though it is my present prescription, every time I wear them, I feel dizzy and can't keep them on for more than 5 minutes. Today I went to a specialist. He looked at both pairs of glasses. He looked at my eyes. The prescription is weaker than what I might need, but that's not the problem. I'm very comfortable with my old pair of glasses. So, what was the problem? The new ones depth is off by 2mm. NOW, that should not matter! But my brain is very precise. That's what he said! To get used to the new pair, I have to get my BRAIN to like them! That means I have to wear them throughout the day and let my brain adjust. Isn't that 'weird'? My brain has gotten so used to these old pair of glasses that even a difference of 2mm is a big difference! So, now when I'm watching TV, I am getting my eyes used to the new pair of glasses. And throughout the day, I put on the new pair of glasses. Maybe in another month, I will write to let you know that my brain has finally adjusted!

God, our Creator, must be very precise! Every detail of every thing is covered by Him. Every thing must be connected perfectly in order for the body to function properly. If something is off by just 2mm, things might not work properly! That's how amazing our God is!

And I found that the Puritan thought of God as a precise God as He gave us the precise Scripture to follow! And many theologians have written about God as He indeed is precise in His plans. 

So, I guess this is not new... But it is a new insight for me!

Journey to the Cross - FaithGateway

Seek Him First!

Toɴy D'Elια on Twitter: "Psalm 67:1-2 https://t.co/GXX9OQGq3K" 


  1. Your eyes are amazingly made....

  2. I hope I get used to these new glasses soon! But Suz and Pam wrote that they also have problems adjusting!
