Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Tuesdays Are Always Busy...

In the morning, I had my wonderful Bible study. 

I rushed home and put everything away and I got all the stuff for tutoring... and I was out the door!

When I got back, I had 45 minutes for a quick run before Mom was home. No time for a shower until after Mom was in bed... 

Now... If I don't have my morning Bible study, then I have my evening Bible study. Again, rush, rush, rush... After Mom goes to bed, I'm out the door!

The kids are usually home on Tuesday evenings... and Alan gets home at around 8:45! And I usually get home by 10pm.

Now... with my different jobs... I have to take a lot of time to prep... plus I am helping people read their papers... I am also speaking at HOP... and editing... and I might get another part time job... We will see!

Thus, I feel that my days fly by way too fast!

For 2021, I am going to work on slowing down... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Continuing with what I'm learning from my sermon prep... 

The blind men said, "Have mercy on me, Son of David." In Jesus' parable of the Publican and the Pharisee, the Publican also used that phrase in his prayer in Luke 18: 13. And Jesus said the Publican went home justified! And the blind men... they went to share about Jesus for they were healed! But I think what they shared wasn't just about the healing. I think they shared about knowing the Messiah!

Seek Him First!



  1. how about slowing down the last three months of 2020 hahahahahahha

  2. I've started 'training'... trying to build up to running longer distance...
