Thursday, October 15, 2020

Such A Nice Day!

I took the time to rest today! I had lots to do, but I just put everything aside and rested! 

Usually I go to bed around 12 or 12:30... Alan gets up early to head off to school. We pray together before he leaves, so that means I'm up at 6am! Instead of going back to sleep, I go and have my time with Jesus and by 8am, I'm helping Mom get ready! She leaves at 8:45! And the day gets busy!

Today, instead of getting busy, I laid down at 10am after Isaiah took off for school and slept until 11: 30! Then I rushed to run errands... Drop off donations, go to the post office and the library, shop for groceries, and then get home to cook. I headed out for a run at 2:30 and took a quick shower, edited a press release and tutored at 4pm to 5:05! Mom was home by 5:15... and after she went to bed, I went off to tutor from 7:30 to 9pm!

The kids and Alan got home at around the same time. Abby was happy as I made cheesy Mac and Cheese!

Daily Lovely Insight: 

I have started to pray for my personal verse for next year... One verse that caught my attention is Isaiah 45:8 --

My yearly verse or passage is always very insightful... This year I've been meditating and praying Psalm 115:14-15. So... what about 2021? The Lord usually leads me to three and I set aside a personal goal setting day, which this year will be on November 17th. 

Isaiah 45:8 is quite beautiful... What do you think?

Seek Him First!