Saturday, October 3, 2020

A New Therapy for Mom!

It was another busy day... 

First, Alan and the kids were glued to the computer screen to watch the Padres game. They won and will go against the Dodgers... I can't watch as I won't be able to cheer... 

Mom was up early... 

She watched Little House after lunch and then we took off to her massage. After the massage, I booked for a special therapy session. It's a machine that helps to pump more oxygen to your brain. It might help with her memory... Well... it didn't help with her memory, but it did make her more hyper. So, I will not do that again. With just one session, she didn't want to go to bed. She wanted to talk and talk and talk... By 10pm, we forced her to go to bed! We did not have our family time this evening!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I had an interesting discussion with a young man who is working through things. 

Truth, Faith, Feelings... How are they all related? Yet, if we base our lives on feelings, we won't get anything done. People don't want to base their lives on truth either... And as for faith, people can put faith in a number of things, but not in God. 

I know that I cannot live my life based on FEELINGS... 

As for faith... I think if you put your faith in God, you are moving in the best direction... 

Seek Him First!


1 comment:

  1. I wasn't laughing! That new therapy is for you! One session and you'll be out running half marathons!
