Sunday, October 25, 2020

A Productive Sunday

I did a load of laundry as I knew Abby would be home with more laundry... And then I went to pick trash... but I was careful not to do too much! Still I gathered two bags of trash in less than 30 minutes. I found bread at the local market on sale... and then scooter home. Mom was up and after her shower, she ate and watched Little House. I took a nap!

Isaiah had gone to meet up with Vikki and Abby was heading back from her volunteer camp. She went to the wrong train station... and missed her train. But she caught the next one!

We were at church by 2:40. It was a wonderful children's day service!

We had Family Time after Mom went to bed... and then watched one episode of the Blacklist. 

To back up about last night... I rode 75 minutes to join my friend's 60th birthday party. On the way back home after the party, I knew I'd get lost, so at different stop lights, I'd ask the person next to me. At this one light, I asked a guy who probably chews beetle nuts as he pretty much has lost most of his front teeth and his lips had this orange coloring. He said, "Follow me." Well... he zoomed off and then at the next light, as I pulled up next to him, he said, "Oh... I will ride slower." I don't know him at all, but I said a quick prayer and trusted him. And he led me straight to the right bridge and told me that he will not be going on the bridge and veered off! I was praising God because after crossing the bridge, I was back in Taipei and familiar with where I was. I got home in about 55 minutes!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Yesterday I shared II Tim. 4:17. Today, I should go back to II Tim. 3:17.

God's word is to help us to be complete so that we can be equipped for every good work. Isn't that a wonderful promise?

Seek Him First!


  1. soo funny to follow someone
    we going to church with Jesse today !!!! He is coming over

  2. I'm so glad... Well... he was so interesting. He noticed that I couldn't follow him because he was riding so fast... He slowed down for me!

  3. And he was a young guy but he lost many of his front teeth because of his beetle nut chewing habit!
