Thursday, September 17, 2020

Short Rest & Short Run!

 I don't know how the days seem to speed by so quickly!

I went out to buy groceries after the kids, Alan and Mom took off! We had no chips and I had made guacamole. We were running short on other items, such as milk!

After putting everything away, I took a short 'nap'... and then headed out for a short run! It was too hot to run... so short was good!

Tutoring started at 2pm and went all the way to 9:30pm. Please continue to pray for the student I'm helping as we work on the major revisions for her dissertation! 

In between, I got Mom her dinner. When she went off to bed, I took off for my last two hours of tutoring!

Isaiah, Abby and Alan were all at school with their different 'practice'. Alan was home first. When I came back at 10:15, Isaiah and Abby weren't home yet. Isaiah walked in next from tennis practice. I was busy on the computer, editing a press release for my copy writer part time job, which I love! 

When we turned off the wi-fi, I started working on my talk notes for Sunday, 9/27! Yes, I finally headed off to bed at 12:30!

Daily Lovely Insight:

This is a question the Lord posed to me as I had a lot to do today. He gave me Jesus, what would he not give me? 

I asked for wisdom and He gave me wisdom, in generous portions. In addition, He gave me strength. He sustained me. He gave me efficiency and favor!

Seek Him First!