Monday, September 28, 2020

Teacher's Day

The kids and Alan had the day off... 

Isaiah and Alan were up early to watch the Chargers' game. They lost!

I went for a run in the rain... and then met up with Abby for a nice hair wash!

Then I had to rush to the DMV. I couldn't get what I needed done finished!

I rode back and took a nap as I had to teach in the evening at NSB, so no tap dancing tonight!

The class went well and I was back by 10pm. I have class again tomorrow. Then my last class will be on Monday, 10/5. I will go back to tap dancing after that!

Abby went for her workout and Isaiah had his tutoring. It was a wonderful day... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Paul closed his letters with this... and it's a beautiful prayer. The grace, the love and the fellowship... Of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Throughout the day, I find God very present with me. Today, running in the rain, I saw three strangers who waved at me... the rain lightly landed on my face... the wind blowing ever so softly... as my feet hit the pavement, splashing water here and there... The skies was overcast, but my heart was singing!

Seek Him First!



  1. So she can be the next Ginger Rogers ahahah

  2. I've always enjoyed watching tap dancers... I took ballet one year at the community college and just loved it! And I've been wanting to join a tap dancing class even when the kids were young. Nothing ever worked out. But this semester, finally, they had tap dancing again! On Monday evenings... So, I signed up! Always trying to learn something new! If I had time, I think I'd sign up for the French or Japanese or Spanish class too!
