Sunday, September 20, 2020

Walking in the Down Pour!

Early this morning the rain started. I love running in the rain, but since it was Sunday, I went for a walk. I picked up Isaiah's book from 7/11 and bought milk at PX Mart.

When I came home, the kids and Mom were still asleep!

The crew was up... and Isaiah went out with Vikki. Abby went to a basketball game. Mom watched Little House. I napped!

Church was at 2:30... as we go early.

I had to translate at the last minute... 

Dinner was great... and we were home by 8pm.

Isaiah had tutoring this evening. Abby went for her workout. We watched a bit of TV. The week is starting all too soon!

Daily Lovely Insight:

From our mouth, we can complain or we can encourage. So, let's use our mouth to encourage others. Build others up! The Thessalonian church was a result of Paul's second missionary journey. Paul wrote to this congregation with joy and confidence, encouraging them to stand against attacks and doubts and to mature in their faith. From the report Paul received from Timothy, the church that was planted there had grown. They were a church that practiced encouragement and building up of one another!

Seek Him First!



  1. It is always good to encourage !!!!

  2. You're up early?!?!?! But we don't do it enough.

  3. Yes, the chicken and going to check on King... For KR, off to surf a bit...
