Thursday, July 30, 2020

Double Tutoring Sessions...

The weather was hot... but it was overcast with a slight breeze... So I went for a run... I did go in to the Gym, just to get water and worked on a couple of machines. I didn't have time to do much. And it wasn't crowded! I decided against the Body Balance class after watching a video of what that class is like. Not me! So, I have not tried Body Attack, Body Combat, Body Jam and Body Pump.

In the morning, I had tutoring and we've started the "Chapter Book"... and this afternoon was SAT! In between was the run!

Isaiah was at ORTV and this evening he had tutoring. He was going to play some basketball first, but decided to come home and rest. He's been getting up at 5:45 each morning to head out to driver's ed. He should pass with flying colors!

Abby was in Hsinchu as the kids had a field trip.

Alan had discipleship early this morning and then basketball this evening!

After Mom went to bed, I went and ran a few errands. I bought groceries and made a white sauce as Alpha and Alice will be coming over tomorrow. I also paid a few bills and called our motorcycle repair guy. I wanted him to keep his eyes out for a good reliable second hand scooter. I think it's almost time to retire Yabadaba Do-Something! (That's the name of my 50cc... and it's like Fred Flintstone's car. You have to put your legs down and peddle to get it going!)

Daily Lovely Insight:

A Lock of Hair (2 Chronicles 16:9) | For You
Can you see the Lord searching the whole earth for people he can strengthen? People whose hearts are fully committed to Him? Fully dedicated to Him? Fully... Letting nothing distract them from that single focus... I want the Lord to see me and my heart... and to fill me with the fullness of His strength!

Seek Him First!


  1. wow Drivers Ed so early, he must be exhausted

  2. Yes, they go from 6am to 6pm, the coaches and trainers... So, you can go and do the course without anyone in the car with you. But you have to have the coach with you for the road section...
