Sunday, February 5, 2023

Sunday Already!

I sent Eddie and Nic to the National Palace Museum after getting some 'fantwan'. Then I came home to get Mom up and eating her breakfast!

Isaiah and I started to clean... the bathrooms and dusting and mopping! I will have more to do on Monday, so I cancelled my tutoring and ordered a taxi for Eddie and Nic. I think I just need to rest and not try to rush around, especially if it's raining!

Then when Eddie and Nic finished with the Museum, I picked them up and sent them over to get a massage!

I went back home and fed Mom lunch and kept cleaning!

At 2:30, I went and picked up Eddie and Nic and headed to church.

Church was quite packed as everyone was back!

Eddie and Nic attended, but I'm not sure how much they were listening!

Tonight Isaiah went and played basketball and we came home, after dropping off some new friends.

Eddie and Nic packed while I got Mom to bed!

Then Eddie, Nic and I headed to Shihlin Night Market! It wasn't so crowded as it was raining! But it was still fun!

Tomorrow, Eddie and Nic will be taking off early! I will spend the day, stripping all the bedding and cleaning the house!

Daily Lovely Insight:

John 9:1-12

What Jesus cares about is very different from what we are concerned about. The disciples asked him, why the blind man was blind from birth? Their reasoning did not come close to God's point of view!

And so often, we try to figure things out on our own, when we should ask God for a deeper connection to His heart and then we will see the purpose of our circumstances.

Why Was He Blind? - The Light of Christ Journey

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images


  1. I am sorry to leave you with all that cleaning.....

  2. It has to be done... You know how thorough I was each time I came back to the States to clean Mom and Daddy George's place... I had to check all their clothes and underwear... You know the stuff I found... Good hygiene is very important!

  3. Thank you for looking after us! Sorry for all the cleaning and disinfecting after we left
